Creating a scalable multimedia campaign for vaccine education

  • Content creation from inception to exection

  • Developed from 4 original graphics to a full campaign featuring 25+ pieces including: infographics, videos and blogs

  • Were the best performing posts for Sabin's channels and were a driving force in organization’s social media audience growth


Skills utilized

  • Research

  • Graphic design

  • Branding

  • Video production

    • Filming

    • Editing

    • Interviewing

  • Video animation in After Effects

  • Project management

  • Creative direction

  • Concept creation


The Challenge 

In 2019, we had a simple goal: create a series of four graphics for National Immunization Awareness Month to highlight key facts and promote vaccines on Sabin Vaccine Institute’s social channels.

The Solution

Concept Creation. I developed the concept, name for the series and the visual style for Vaccine IQ, including the type treatment and icons. Using the CDC and WHO as sources, I researched the vaccines and set out to design the four infographics.

Vaccine Infographics. The initial four graphics performed very well on our social channels, so we decided to extend the series, eventually developing 12 vaccine infographic cards.

Vaccine R&D Videos and Infographics. In 2020, Sabin had recently launched a vaccine research and development (R&D) program. Having R&D experts in-house, combined with the COVID-19 pandemic ushering vaccine development to the forefront of culture, we decided to extend the campaign further to show the R&D process, vaccine types, and other relevant information. We executed this through videos, blogs and additional social media infographics. I managed the entire video production process, including filming, editing, and video animation.

From the original 4 graphics, I developed the campaign to feature 25+ pieces, including infographics, videos and blogs.

They were some of the best performing posts for Sabin's channels and was a driving force in social media audience growth.

An original sketch for the vaccine cards and overall campaign visual style.

Vaccine IQ Infographics

Vaccine R&D Videos

Utilizing Sabin’s in-house R&D expertise, I interviewed and created 3 videos explaining the vaccine development process. Here is the first in the series.



  • Mary Beth Woodin - VP of Communications

  • Liz Powell - Manager, Communications